Friday, May 1, 2009

Game Time

I missed the deadline! Not only that, but I still have one more requirement I need to fulfill! Don't be too alarmed though, applicants with who have fulfilled all 13 requirements will be accepted until all spots are filled. Yay, there's hope, but due to crazy California budget cuts the number of new students being accepted into SJSU has been reduced. Drats!

What requirement is left, you ask? The hardest one for me to obtain, 45 hours of pre-professional experience. Pre-professional what? Experience; I must observe/help a secondary classroom for 45 hours before the school year ends! Not only that, but as soon as possible to try to secure a spot for fall semester 2009. Can it be done with only six weeks left in the school year? Of course it can. Will I be able to do it? I know so. Will I receive a spot in the fall? That is out of my hands, but I'm going to give it a shot.

So here's what's going on, I managed to find a teacher willing to let me sit in on her classes for five days starting next week. I'll be observing a high school biology and integrated science class. I know, it's craziness but I'm so excited. In order to do this I will be using up my remain vacation days I have, but get this, right before I find out when I'll be laid off. Boo-hoo, I know, but it's worth it. I'm doing what I have to do for what I want to do in the future. I wish I took care of this sooner but now it's game time and I'm sprinting to the finish. Pray for me and wish me luck. I'll keep you all posted. Thank you all.

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