Friday, May 22, 2009

Slow Flow Yoga in Candlelight

I was busy writing fund-raising letters asking for donations, writing a short bio and reasons why I joined TNT for my mentees, creating a fund-raising flyer, and baking cookies for a bake sale that I missed my ballet this week. I made up for it by going to yoga on a Friday evening.

A new little place called Downtown Yoga Shala opened up in downtown San Jose. It was 90 minutes of intense yoga, slow strong positions being held with deep breathes. Yoga is suppose to be that way but Bikram yoga isn't like that. This was a strong vinyasa practice set in a candlelight atmosphere. A little strenuous for not attending a yoga class in over a year, but great. No mirrors for everyone to see yourself or check everyone else around you and vice versa. No heat at 105 degrees. Heating from the inside out, not the outside in, the proper way an athlete prepares for physical exeration.

Breathing from within, finding the right alignment from within and the focus was me. I didn't notice the other students around me, I didn't hear the soft music playing in the background, I only heard the instructors voice and my breathing. Improving my concentration and living and working in the moment. The headaches, the worries, the anger, disgust and all the negativity melted away. A yoga high? A better me? A new me? Yes.

When my husband picked me up he noticed how relaxed I looked and how happy I was, not a tired happy I experience after a run, but close enough. I can't wait to go again next week with my friend Victoria and my cousin Claudia. I know they'll enjoy it too.

Speaking with the owner of the studio about my reasons for attending yoga classes she was pleased to hear I was involved with TNT; apparently she trained with TNT many years ago and wanted to help me out, how serendipitious! Veronica, the owner, will lead a small group of us in an hour long yoga for athletes for free! And I'll collect a small donation from each participating attendant for my fund-raiser. How nice is that? In return I'll promote her studio to my teammates and on my blog. I just need to pick a date.

I hope my luck carries over into the weekend when I hit several restaraunts and botiques for gift certificates and raffle items for the fund-raising party I'm planning for. Wish me luck!

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