Sunday, June 14, 2009

Running To Eradicate Cancer

Today we had our second coach led run at Hellyer Park, an old picnic stomping ground for my family, lot's of great bbirthday parties, walks and training wheel rides around the pond, feeding the ducks and geese and their young ones, a lot of good memories, and now I get to add one more! This is the first time I ran-walked under 101 overpass. It was so cool! I only heard my uncles and aunt talk about it as a kid but I never walked under it!

Ah, the memories.

Coach Tim and former TNT Coach Ed held their valuable Beginner' s Clinic. Running over 40 marathons combined these guys are full of useful running advice-advice from proper running shoes, hydration, fueling up before, during, and after a race, stretching and the infamous ice bath. Brrr.

Eating prior to your long run is important!

An important topic that they discussed is Jeff Galloway's run-walk interval training. It works wonders by reducing muscle fatigue and helps prevent injuries. As a nice introduction to the run-walk I ran a 4:1 new participants.

Under US Route 101!

I ran five miles with my peeps Brandy, Katie, and Lisa. Lisa and Emily in the photo above are taking a short walking break.

After the run everyone sat down in the lush green grass to hear Honoree Ellen Cirigliano's life altering and poignant story about living with cancer and her fight to find a cure. Read her story here. The money we raise really does help save lives and touch many peoples lives. Anyone can train for a marathon but we TNTers run for a cause-to eradicate blood caner! Donate today and keep in mind that no amount is too small.

Ellen Cirigliano in the Honoree shirt.

It would not be a proper run without eating. Our Captain Steve invited the whole Team over to his house for the traditional Waffle-Fest. It was waffles, pancakes, and berries galore, bananas, sausages, orange juice, banana bread and some of my banana-nut muffins. Yum. It also gave us a chance to meet new people and learn more about our Honorees.

Me, Honoree Mike, and my peep Katie.

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