Saturday, June 6, 2009

1-2-3-GO TEAM!

Today was the first training run of the Team In Training (TNT) summer season of 2009. We met at 8 am at Los Gatos High School. Everyone in my little group ran between three and six miles!
Here are all seven of my Mentees plus another participant, Irfan, standing behind me. (Irfan being the fun guy that he is just jumped into the picture.) From left to right: Nicole, Sparsha, Mike, Brandy, Lisa, Stephanie, Katie and me. This is just a small portion of the entire summer run team of the south bay chapter.

Everyone on the Team has joined for many different reasons: for a family member or a friend that was diagnosed with Leukemia, and many join the Team for a challenge or to get healty. But we all share the goal of fund raising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. For inspiration TNT have Honorees, people diagnosed with some form of blood cancer, come out and share their experiences living with their dieseases.Here are the Honorees that made it out to our first training! Honorees from left to right: Leah, Patti, Honoree Captain Debra, Ellen, Keith, Debra, Doug and Jack. You can read their bios here.
The Honorees are a great group of people that volunteer at water stops, help set things up and several even run with the participants!

I can't wait to see everyone on the track Tuesday! Click here to view more photos from today's run.

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