Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Caffeine Headaches

Since I stopped working I've also stopped drinking coffee, or I should say espresso. Soon came the caffeine headaches. With no coffee maker in the house and no horrible instant coffee I learned to numb my brain by watching daytime television. No, not soaps but anything on TLC or Discovery. This worked until I started class this week.

By attending night classes I realized that I absolutely need coffee to stay alert. Ack. I should have bought and drank my coffee earlier in the day, like, before 3 pm instead of drinking it at 6 pm. As you can see by looking at the time this was written and posted that I am still wired. This is bad and good.

Let's start with the good, shall we. I am quite alert and can start some of my many readings. I can stay up and watch Conan. (I'm usually in bed by the time he starts at 11:30 pm.) I can do what I'm doing now, blogging, and I can start on some of my writing assignments. So basically I can get some of my work done.

Now for the bad. I'm going to bed really really late which means I'll wake up really really late the next morning. Going to bed late also means going to bed once my husband has fallen asleep. How is this a bad thing you ask-he snores! By being in bed asleep before he joins me I avoid hearing his snoring. Going to bed at the same time I can avoid it before it really kicks in. There is no way I can avoid it tonight since my hubby went to bed 3o minutes ago. Ugh.

Let me tell you what happened yesterday. I drank a cup of coffee around 3 pm and wasn't able to fall asleep until 3 am. It was a combo of caffeine keeping me up and hearing my husband snore. Guess what time I woke up. Go ahead, take a guess. I woke up at 10:30 am today. I never sleep in that late, but since I'm not tutoring yet I didn't need to wake up. But what time am I going to go to bed tonight since I had a cup at 6 pm?! What time am I going to wake up tomorrow, or should I say later this morning? I'm a bit scared. Luckily I don't have any classes tomorrow and can sleep in. But what about Thursday and next week when I start tutoring for the AVID program at 8 in the morning?

I have one more night class this week on Thursday. Class starts at 5 pm so I'll be drinking my cup of coffee way before that. I think I'll drink it soon after lunch. Think that will work? Let's hope it does. I'll figure it out by the end of next week.


Anonymous said...

Is your new sleeping schedule going to mess up your Buddy Runs?

Gabby said...

Lol. My night classes and tutoring schedule has completely messed up my running schedule, Track, Buddy Runs, and one long coach led run.

I have night classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Starting next week I'll be tutoring science and math at my old high school across town all day (8 am to 3pm) on Tuesday and Thursday. So my Thursday morning Buddy Run is out. I have to reschedule my runs to Monday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

As far as coffee goes, I'll have to drink that earlier in the day in order to wake up on time for my tutoring gig. Now to fit in time to do homework. :)