Friday, August 21, 2009

Running Rancho

Well, I've been out of work for three weeks now and I have not been able to wake up in the mornings. Not even for my buddy runs! I did manage to wake up at 6 am last week, the time I'm supposed to start running, and I did and catch up the ladies in my group and ran six miles. This week, not so much. Sleeping in feels good and I'm getting in as much as I can before I start tutoring and attend my classes next week.

So, tomorrow is an On Your Own Run and I plan on running at Rancho San Antonio at 6:45 am. Yep, I need to wake up early. Ha, I'm setting up two alarms for tomorrow morning! I'm determined not to miss this beautiful run. In fact I made plans to pick up my running buddy Victoria at 6:25. It was the only way I can get her to run with me that early on a Saturday morning. It's also a great way to get my butt out of bed tomorrow, too. Running buddies are great for many reason, don't you think?

The group plans on running seven miles up and over a giant hill that climbs up 400 feet in one mile. Yeah, it's crazy awesome and I can do it with a camera in my hand snapping away. I'm freakin' great. Just kidding. Nah, I am. All I have to do is wake up early.

Check out the photos tomorrow. Sleep well and wish me luck. :-)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Have an awesome run!!