Thursday, August 20, 2009


It's Thursday once more and I that means Theme Thursday! This week's theme is shadow. I scoured my photographs and found a few of my favorite shadows. I hope you like them.

Arches along the walkway at the Mission Santa Barbara. I can easily picture Spanish monks and the Chumush indians walking here in the late 18th century.

Under the shadow of the Arch in Washington Square Park in New York City near NYU. (How much do you miss this park, Jen?)

Trinity Church emerging from the shadows in lower Manhattan in front of Wall Street. Alexander Hamilton is buried here.

Under the shadowy dome of The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.

One by one my husband and I follow my siblings onto a boat one mild wintry morning at Lake Tahoe.

Sledding underneath the shadows of tall pine trees in the Sierra Mountains in northern California.

This being a blog about running I had to insert two photos of my shadow running and my friends.

Running at Campbell Park for my weekly 6 am morning run. (This photograph was taken later in the morning at mile seven.)

Here are a couple of running shadows through the Heritage Rose Garden along the Guadalupe River Trail that runs through downtown San Jose.

Happy Thursday everyone!


Brian Miller said...

the one of the church in manhattan is very cool! loved your shadow play. hope you have a great thursday!

Candie said...

Hello,really nice sets of pics!:)

Not For Jellyfish said...

I really like the one with the water.

Kat Mortensen said...

All excellent photos. I love the one in Lake Tahoe - I wish I were there to dip in my toes!


nonamedufus said...

Great pix with great shadows!

Alan Burnett said...

A fine collection of shadows. Thanks for letting me visit ... I'll be back

Anonymous said...

Gabby, awesome shots! I especially like the Trinity Church one; rising up out of the shadows! Nice!

Betsy Brock said...

All of these are beautiful!

Jen said...

Beautiful pics as always! And in answer to your question: VERY MUCH!! :)

Tom said...

ah, i wanted to take a picture of my Shadow running ahead of me, but when i stopped to take the picture, my Shadow kept going! Dirty trick! That shadow in the water is looking very appealing right about now.

Kris McCracken said...

Some fancy churches there...

Gabby said...

Brian-It's my favorite photo in this post, too.

Candie-Hi back and thank you.

Jellyfish-The Lake Tahoe shot is another one of my favorite shots.

Poetikat-Lake Tahoe is cold, even in the summer!!!


Alan-Thank you and you're welcomed anytime. :)

Subtrop77-Yes, rising up out of the shadows. A great description.

Betsy-Thank you.

Jen-I have more photos for you to see. ;-)

Tom-Damn shadows are always running away from me, too! But I managed to capture a snapshot of her without tripping over my own two feet.


Kris-Fancy churches next to skyscrapers all over NY. You have to visit and see for yourself some day.

JeffScape said...

Hah... I grew up near Mission San Luis Rey, and while the page was loading I was like, "waaaait a sec."

Gabby said...

JeffScape-I was just down there and forgot to see Mission San Luis Rey. I know what you mean though, a lot of the missions here look the same. They're still very beautiful, though.

New Yorker wannabes said...

Loved the pics, especially the NY ones!
