Monday, February 2, 2009

Congratulations Kaiser runners!

Before the sun rose Sunday morning when the morning sky was still black and littered with stars crazy runners were turning off their alarm clocks at 4:30. Laid out on their chairs their running wears waiting to be worn. Oatmeal, toast, bananas, bagels with peanut butter are consumed at five in the morning; much needed fuel that will quickly burn later that morning.

Laughing and yawning at the fact that we're ready to drive up the peninsula ready to welcome the day in San Francisco.

Waiting for the sun to rise rows of buses line the Great Pacific Highway waiting for their passengers to arrive. The sun rose and the crowds grew shivering in line for their ride to the start.

Runners donned in garbage bags, a way to keep warm in their thin tops and running shorts, smile knowing how silly they look and shiver in their shoes. Stretching and jogging in place help warm up the body too.

The clamor of the crowd grew restless when 8 am came and pass and the gun had not gone off yet. The anthem was sung and the count down began and then they were off. Let the stampede begin!

Walking through the Golden Gate Park half way to the finish line 3o minutes went by when I saw the 5K runners go by quickly followed by the elite runners that were running the half marathon.

Snapping photos of my teammates and cheering them on I didn't feel envious all at but was thrilled and happy for all the runners in the race. Congratulations to all who ran!!!

1) Victoria (mentor and friend) and her boyfriend Scott sitting and relaxing in Victoria's living at 5 in the morning.
2) View of Ocean Beach from the Cliff House before sunrise.
3) Runners waiting in line to be shuttled to the start line.
4) Teammate Brian wearing his best garbage bag and enjoying it!
5) The middle of the start line before the gun. Can you spot Victoria?
6) Teammates halfway through the race.
7) Captain Rich approaching the finish line several yards away.

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