Thursday, January 15, 2009

Physical Therapy

I'm taking physical therapy twice a week in the middle of the work day and I had my second session today. (Yes, I am fortunate enough to take time off of work to attend various doctors’ appointments.) Debbie had me warm up on a stationary bicycle before examine me and realigning my lower back and evening out my legs. I was a little off and more aligned compared to my last visit! Following the pseudo chiropractic alignment she set me to work out a few exercises and dug around my knee with instruments that resemble a butter knife butt with some waxy lubricant to break up the scar tissue that has built up.

After the knee scraping I did several sets of exercises where Debbie and I notice how weak my left leg is. I have been compensating most of my life and preferring my right side. No wonder I was crooked and needed to realignment! It also explains why my patella is leaning to the left side rather than sitting in the middle.

Here are the exercises I have to do everyday, and notice they are normal exercises:
Side leg hip abductors
Side steps
Step downs
Double leg squats
1 leg balance

On top of that I have to press down and push my knee cap down to ease it back into place. It doesn't hurt but it looks strange.

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