Thursday, January 22, 2009

More PT

At my attempt to strengthen my left leg and realign my left knee cap I am putting pressure in my right knee! Ugh, what am I to do? Well, I am doing my exercises but I'm not doing them evenly. Debbie noticed that I'm still leaning on my right leg for more support. Thank goodness I have Debbie to correct my alignment and coach me through everything. I really don't know what I would do without her.

It's a funny thing being told that one direction of movement is stronger than the other. Apparently I am strong moving forward and backwards but I'm weak going side to side. Working with Thera Bands I have improved and strengthened my legs. I've been upgraded from a red thera band to a green thera band for my clam and side step exercises. Yay!

Debbie added side planks to the list of exercises I am to perform. I have to hold it for 10 seconds with my leg lifted up. I started off doing 5 on each side and will slowly increase it to 10. It's easy enough but tiring after a while.

My next session is tomorrow, Friday. I have to tell you that I'm scared to go in because Debbie will have me jog for 10 to 15 minutes on a tread mill. First of all, I'm scared of the tread mill. I almost fell the first time I went on one and told myself I will never go back on one. Ha. Second of all, I'm afraid to run. I'm scared that I'll hurt my knees. I know that everything I'm doing to strengthen my legs, my gluts, and everything around my knee are suppose to improve my running but I'm still scared. Third, I'm scared of failing; scared that I can't run. I'm sure I'll do fine but wish me luck anyway.

Have fun on your buddy runs today. Stay dry; run between the rain drops!

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