Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gym workout

Sigh, I still don't like the gym atmosphere but I'm starting to enjoy the gym, well sort of. It's the beginning of a new year and the gym is full of new people hogging all the machines. Yeah, like I'm not new but at least I started to workout at the gym three weeks ago. Anyway, an employee announced on a speaker that all cardio machines have a 30 minute limit. Needless to say it was crowded and I didn't like it. Solution, go later in the evening!
Rewind, my first gym visit I cycled for 30 minutes. Second visit I cycled for 30 minutes and tried out the elliptical machine for 30 minutes. Let me tell you, the bike did nothing for me, I should probably try a spin class, but with the elliptical-sweat city.
According to the distance counter on the elliptical measured a distance of 2.42 miles. Not bad considering that I haven't worked out in over two weeks but knowing that I can run 3 miles in 30 minutes I was a little disappointed. After several workouts I started doing interval work on my favorite machine at the gym, ellipty. My interval workout consists of a couple of minutes on resistance level one up to several minutes on resistance level 4. So it's fast, slow, fast, slow. After a really slow start attending the gym three weeks ago I'm now up to running 4.02 miles in 30 minutes! I'm going to have to keep a log of my ellipty mileage now.
On top of the elliptical workout I did a core workout, portions from . Three 30 seconds planks, 2 sets of 10 reps of leg stretches, 2 sets of 10 reps of side plank with moving knee, four 30 second bridges, 2 sets of 10 reps of swimmers, and 20 push ups. Yep, 20. Then I stretched doing the gate and crouching cat push-up. Most come from Ultimate Fitness Plan provided from Women's Health Magazine.
For a killer ab workout check this 6 week plan.
My next assignment, water station at Coyote Creek with a little help from my husband.
Go Team!!!

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