Friday, January 30, 2009

Going with the flow

"Marathoning is like cutting yourself unexpectedly. You dip into the pain so gradually that the damage is done before you are aware of it. Unfortunately, when the awareness comes, it is excruciating."
- John Farrington, Australian marathoner

I'm so there.

At physical therapy I ran a mile yesterday and it felt great! Well, sort of.

My knees felt great but my plantar fasciitis flared up forcing me to run a little funny. Yes, I have a little plantar fasciitis in my right foot that came out after my marathon. It disappeared after a while, no not on it's own but from digging in there to break up the scar tissue that has formed and by icing. Since I've stopped running it hasn't been around, until yesterday. If it's not one thing it has to be another, right? I'm icing and stretching and rolling and digging my thumbs in every tight spots I find along my legs and feet but it doesn't seem to be enough. I'm starting to get frustrated at my body and myself. I know it takes time to heal and repair and even longer to establish good training habits, and there aren't any buts coming up here, I have to go with the flow. I have to keep doing what I'm doing and perhaps a little more; I have to be more patient with myself.

Physical therapy is forcing me to learn new training habits to prevent further injuries from occurring and I know it takes time. It's only been seven weeks since I been diagnosed with chondromalacia patellofemoral syndrome, otherwise known as runners knee. The diagnosis doesn't really explain my patella being slightly off center which was discovered by x-rays in late December that was caused over my lifetime. Also, it's only been three weeks since I've started physical therapy with four more to go.

Here's to being patient and getting stronger.

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