Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Wave

I'm soo excited. The wave list just came out and I've been moved up a wave. Last season I was in wave 4 and now I'm in wave 5!!! That's the second to the fastest group! OK, I'm not as fast wave 6 people like Captains Rich, Mike Z. or Meghan just to mention a few, but I did improve my time by three minutes.
Now I just need to keep my knees and feet in good condition. My knee no longer hurts. I've been icing it and did not run today. I've sent an e-mail to my coach to see how I far I should run and how slow to run this weekend. I hope I get to run.
Here's a picture Mike Z. took of me at track last week. He has, or had, a hard time taking pictures of people running. He would point, focus, click and the person would be gone leaving behind an empty photo. I of course was teasing him and he snapped this. Thanks Mike.

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