Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Since June I've...

Ran: 115.1 miles!
Blisters: 1 :-(
Races: 1, the SF Half Marathon (13.1 miles) July 26, 2009. That was yesterday!
Personal records: 2 - 6 miles in 54 minutes and SF Half in 2:04:07!
Ice baths taken: 2 Brr!
Days until Nike Marathon: 81
Total amount fund-raised for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society: $1,180 (a little shy of my goal of $1,500)
One person diagnosed with a blood caner: Every 4 minutes!*
Estimated number of people diagnosed with a blood cancer by the end of this year in the USA: 139,860!*
Survival rate: Always climbing thanks to donations from people like you!

Donations help fund research for new therapies and medicines that help my friends like Keith Newman, Jack Aiello, Patti Rodriguez, and many others live longer active lives. Keith is celebrating his daughter's engagement, Jack is a brand new grandfather, and Patti ran a half marathon in under 2 hours last weekend! (Their photos are in the margin.) Please help them and many others live longer lives, donate today.

Many thanks to those of you who have donated, you are making a huge difference in this world!

*Learn more about blood cancers here at http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/attachments/National/br_1247234696.pdf

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