Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hill Repeats!

Marathon training is not just building up endurance and running long miles, nuh-huh. Runners need a strong core to keep them stable, they need strong arms to pump them through when fatigue sets in, and runners need to do interval training along with speed workouts. Interestingly enough hill repeats are a form of interval training.

Adam leading the pack down the hill. This photo does not give the hill justice. It's steep.

So, here's was today's track workout consisted of:
  • 12 minute run warm-up, one mile
  • Dynamic stretching
  • Run out to the hill two miles away
  • Run up a steep hill at 80% intensity with a slow recovery run to the bottom and repeat for a total of five times, totaling one mile
  • Run back to the track, another two miles
  • A total of six miles followed by a 20 minute core workout!
Personally, I think we should increase the core workout to 45 minutes, but it was still a great workout.

Some of the tough women and one of the many men I ran hill repeats with.
Left to right: Sara, me, Heather, Corina and Steve.

I love running with my Team In Training group. I receive top notch training, raise money to find a cure to blood cancer and run with a phenomenal group of people. I'm never alone during a run and have people to commiserate with at the end of a run. Not to mention great company to hang out and eat out with. The perks of running. :-)

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