Monday, March 30, 2009

Running Clubs are Cool

Heh, I was bummed and happy at the same time preparing for my run after work. I was happy that I was going out to run but bummed because I had no one to run with, but I shouldn't have been bummed at all. But let me get back to what happened.

As soon as I tied my laces my husband came home from the gym and kissed me good bye. It wasn't until I was half way to Campbell Park that I realized that I forgot the third most important thing for a runner: my IronMan watch. Well, it's important for me. I time myself and adjust a walk-run time, and I left it at home!

Of course the park was full of families and cyclists and other runners so I had to park down the street to spot a co-workers car. As soon as I walked into the parking lot I hear a man yell out my name to find that it's Brain from TNT! He just parked, in the parking lot, and was waiting for his sister. They had their GPS watches so I didn't have to keep time or keep track of the miles either. Whoo-hoo for me! People to run with! Also, they were going to run the same distance I planned on, four miles. We ran together and finished in 39:07!

Along the way I ran into my co-worker Rich and another TNTer, Rebeca. See, I shouldn't have been bummed after all.
The photos are of Campbell Park and I took them last Friday evening when I went for a three mile walk with my hubby.

1 comment:

Tom said...

running clubs are cool, and running races are fun too...
Glad you are enjoying running around.