Monday, March 30, 2009

Running Clubs are Cool

Heh, I was bummed and happy at the same time preparing for my run after work. I was happy that I was going out to run but bummed because I had no one to run with, but I shouldn't have been bummed at all. But let me get back to what happened.

As soon as I tied my laces my husband came home from the gym and kissed me good bye. It wasn't until I was half way to Campbell Park that I realized that I forgot the third most important thing for a runner: my IronMan watch. Well, it's important for me. I time myself and adjust a walk-run time, and I left it at home!

Of course the park was full of families and cyclists and other runners so I had to park down the street to spot a co-workers car. As soon as I walked into the parking lot I hear a man yell out my name to find that it's Brain from TNT! He just parked, in the parking lot, and was waiting for his sister. They had their GPS watches so I didn't have to keep time or keep track of the miles either. Whoo-hoo for me! People to run with! Also, they were going to run the same distance I planned on, four miles. We ran together and finished in 39:07!

Along the way I ran into my co-worker Rich and another TNTer, Rebeca. See, I shouldn't have been bummed after all.
The photos are of Campbell Park and I took them last Friday evening when I went for a three mile walk with my hubby.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pfeiffer Beach

My husband and I decided to take advantage of the first warm sunny weekend here in the bay by going to the beach, and invited my parents and younger brother to come along. The greatest thing about living in the bay area is the wide array of beach choices so we decided on an unusual beach two hours south of Silicon Valley in Big Sur, Pfeiffer Beach. It's a little known beach where the sand is purple! Honest.

Before heading to the beach we stopped by at Gayles in Capitola, a great place to stop by for breakfast and grab several sandwiches, rustic bagettes and tarts for a picnic on the beach.

Here are some of the photos I've snapped of Pfeiffer Beach.

This beach is located just south of Big Sur. The mineral is manganese garnet that breaks down from the rocky hillside forming purple sand.

See, redish purpleish rocks.

Breaking down and forming the prettiest colored sand I've ever seen.

There are other surprises on this beach besides purple sand.

Gorgeous blue and bluegreen water.

Several bluffs...

The most photographed bluff at the beach.

And a fresh water stream leading to the Pacific Ocean.

My papa carrying the umbrellas and chairs through the stream the first time. We found a better spot down the beach on the other side of the stream.

Here's one of me and my husband.

Did I mention it's a dog friendly beach too?

It was a great day sunny 65 degee beach day. And yes, I did get some running in too!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Running among the flowers

Now that I have free time I can go out for leisurely runs with my camera. Here are some of the flowers I ran by in my mother's neighborhood this evening.

Mmm...lavender. Don't you just want to rub your hands in it?

Whenever I see golden poppies closing up at dusk I wish I were a little bee to curl up in and sleep on the soft petals.

Now I need to photograph the California state flower when it's open. I'll make sure to take my camera along during my next run at Campbell Park.

In Greek mythology Iris is the messenger of the Gods and is personified as a rainbow. As a matter of fact the Greek word for rainbow is iris and they do come in a rainbow of colors. I love the purple ones the best.

Half and Full Marathons in California

Now that I can run I'm looking forward towards mentoring the 2009 summer season of Team in Training. I'm also looking forward towards running a couple of full and half marathons before the actual season begins in early June/late May. (There's a mentor captain meeting taking place in early April at the TNT office that I will be attending. I'll have more concrete information later.) If this is the case, then I really need to start training. Before I start training I need a race and date and luckily there are so many races in different parts of California. I found this website listing all the races: full and half's, tri and duathon's, and my favorite-trail runs. The choices are endless.

Before I get a little carried away I should see if I can run ten miles without serious knee pain. I should be fine but I just want to make sure first. Keep your fingers crossed for me. With that in mind I'll be running four miles at the track tonight. Yippee, 16 laps on a crowded track...I can't wait. Here's a quote that best fits my thoughts about running on a track.

"I love running cross country...On a track, I feel like a hamster."
-Robin Williams

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Just ran two miles under 19 minutes, 18:58 to be exact! Yay!

I'll be going to ballet tomorrow night to fully stretch out my body and work out my entire body at Dance Blvd. Also, plan to run three miles Thursday evening at Campbell track. Anyone want to join me for either?

Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm back!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last blog entry! I absolutely despise the phrase "I've been busy" and sadly that's what I have to say. I've applied to SJSU to get my teaching credential for high school chemistry, taken several exams, and submitted the majority of the required documents. On top of that I've continued to see my physical therapist and have steadily increased my mileage. My knee is doing great by the way.

I've studied like a madwoman for the CSET in three general areas: algebra and number theory, general biology, and chemistry. The exam lasted five hours on a Saturday afternoon, yep, afternoon, and I was so glad when it was over. Algebra and number theory was surprisingly tough, general biology was really general science and chemistry, well, it was chemistry. Overall it wasn't too bad. The worst part was sitting in desk for five hours. I have forgotten how uncomfortable the desks we sat in were, but then again, we didn't sit in them five hours straight. Instead I hope to stand in the front of the class basically the whole day. What a difference, eh?

I took a technology test at SJSU last Friday evening. That was joke but I understand that they want their teachers to be computer competent. It was eight sections of ranging from editing a letter in Word, using Excel for an electronic notebook, to online research and using Power Point. It was a synch.

Ah, as far as my physical therapy is concerned today was my last appointment. Debbie gave me a few new dynamic stretches to perform before running and gave me pointers to correct my leg and back when they become misaligned. Debbie also gave me her number in case I have any questions later on. She's so cool and has helped me out in so many ways that I'll be sending her a thank you bouquet and card.

My knee doesn't hurt when I run anymore! It's such a great feeling to be able to run and not be in any pain during the run. There's nothing I can do for soreness though. Soreness will always be there afterward. Ice and stretch and roll.

Speaking of running, I ran five miles on Saturday in 50 minutes and 41 seconds! How fantastic is that?! It's great to finally be outside and running! Yes I have gone out and ran two and three miles here and there after work in the evening at the Campbell track but it's not the same than running in Campbell Park. There's no way I can run 20 laps at a track. I have to push myself to run 12 laps to equal three miles. Running in the park in the early morning hearing the birds sing, the steady flow of Highway 17 traffic rustle by, Canada geese honking, and seeing other runners and walkers along a trail of blooming flowers and trees cannot be compared to any track. It was so liberating to be out. Now to convince my husband to join me in the morning...