Thursday, September 3, 2009


Welcome to Theme Thursday! Today's theme is beginning. I hope you like where my interpretation goes.

Autumn has many ways of indicating it's here. The air turns crisp, the days grow shorter, the leaves turns to brilliant colors in many places around our country, unfortunately the Bay Area doesn't see much of it. Empty classrooms are filled once again with students excited to see their friends to show off their new clothes and gear. The college bound, like myself, are a little nervous about the curriculum.

According to science, the beginning of autumn is Sept. 22, 2009; 5:18 P.M. EDT. For me, the beginning autumn is not signified by the start of school, the turning of the leaves, nor the cooler weather. No, autumn begins when Starbucks starts offering their fall special, and my all time favorite flavored coffee, the Pumpkin Spiced Latte! Yummy!

Nothing makes me happier than sipping on hot coffee while reading or surfacing the net. Oh, but the joy of sipping a hot pumpkin flavored coffee makes me happier. No matter how disorganized my Multicultural Foundations class is, or how many times the course syllabus contradicts itself (I found five so far), and the daunting number of pages that must be read over the course for this class alone, Starbucks' Pumpkin Spiced always melts the stress away.

Now I'm sitting here at the library with my class readers out, ready to read 75 pages of racism, social injustice, poverty, and activism in the classroom and I'm so glad I have my coffee.

Yes, 75 pages of double pages! Now that's a lot. Now if I put my camera away and finish my readings.

If you haven't clued in yet, I love pumpkin. With that said, autumn also begins with pumpkin pies are being sold in the supermarkets. And as a mid-afternoon snack I cave in and have a slice of pumpkin pie. I did not pair it with the PSL. :-)


Anonymous said...

Gabby, seems we get that flavour round these parts only in the autumn-time. I've tried it and not bad :P Like the art on the cuppa.

For me autumn starts with the first apple harvests( oh boy! this week-end! or sooner! )and I never tire of the foliage :)

Best wishes on your new class beginnings. My, that's a lot to read!

Baino said...

Oh we're a nation of pumpkin eaters here. No Sunday roast is right without it. However with mass closure's of Starbucks I haven't tasted a Pumpkin Latte . .I'd love a decent recipe for pumpkin pie tho! It's weird, the Europeans have only just started eating it, used to be pig food! Sacrilege!

Alan Burnett said...

I just begin to imagine what a Pumpkin Spiced Latte tastes like. Oh I have led such a sheltered life.

Brian Miller said...

pumpkin spice lattes are amazing. this time of year we get pumpkin ice cream from a little stand not too far from the house as well...made fresh...its amazing. enjoy the classes...smiles.

e said...

Good luck with the class, your training and the marathon!

Wings1295 said...

Oh! Your post reminded me of the Pumpkin flavored coffee cream that should be in stores soon. Yay!

And soon enough after, Peppermint! Woohoo! Yay!

Thanks for the mood enhancer!

Anonymous said...

@Wings, we just got the pumpkin coffee creamer in at Shaw's, so you should be seeing it soon :)

Wings1295 said...

Yay! Shaw's is the supermarket I shop at. And I worked there for YEARS, but that is another story. Heh! Gonna have to check it out, thanks!

Gabby said...

Hi Subtorp77, apple picking sounds like a fantastic way to welcome autumn! I know there are apple orchards around the Sacramento region and I can't wait to try it out.
Thanks for the best wishes!

Hi Baino, gasp! Pumpkin as pig food!?! I just felt a knife go through my stomach.
This is the best pumpkin pie recipe I have found, I've been making it since 2000.
Try it out and tell me what you think.

Hello Alan, go to a grocery store and see if you can find flavored coffee cream! Oh, you can also throw in a dash, or two, or three, of pumpkin spices. It's American Thanksgiving in a cup. Soo delicious.

Oh Brian, I've never tried pumpkin ice cream, garlic ice cream yes, but not pumpkin. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for it in the grocery store. Hmm, maybe Cold Stone might have it.

Thank you for the luck e!

Hi Wings, I thought you might like this post! :) You know, I've never tried the peppermint flavored coffee. I'll have to check that out when it comes out.

Have a great weekend everyone!