Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wiped Out

"You can't fly a kite unless you go against the wind and have a weight to keep it from turning a somersault. The same with man. No man will succeed unless he is ready to face and overcome difficulties and is prepared to assume responsibilities." -William J. H. Boetcker

I ran a half marathon Sunday. I went to ballet yesterday. I ran three miles today. On top of that I'm observing two great high school science teachers and have tutored Algebra after school the past two days in a low income neighborhood of San Jose, an area I grew up in; furthermore I am using up the last of my vacation days to do all of this, except ballet. Um, yeah, I'm tired and it has not been a vacation, but I'm so ready for all the upcoming challenges I'm about to face. Layoff, going back to college, fund raising and training for my second marathon with TNT, starting a family and starting a new career. Oh that's a lot!

Classes today were a bit edgy but good. The instructor was coming down with something and not feeling 100%, the kids picked up on it and bugged her of course, "Oh my God, swine flu, stay away from me! I don't want to be contagious!" Their words, not mine. But other than that they were fine as long as I walked around.

Oh, today I led an integrated science class! I helped the class learn how to find coordinates on a world map and also led the class on geography Bingo. I know, really exciting! I stood in the front of the class and spoke quietly and wrote on the overhead projector. I went home with my hands covered in ink, just like a real teacher! I'm such a dork but I like it.

Ah, I woke up this morning and forgot it's Theme Thursday! Today's theme is wind. Wind! What am I going to post? Thankfully it was a windy day at Campbell park and I happened to have my camera with me. Ok, so I took my camera with me. Here are a few shots I took today in the windy warm afternoon.

It's been a long time since I flew a kite. Then again, the last time I flew one I accidentally let it go and it hit nearby transistors. Oh how the sparks flew.

Canada geese hudling for their night and protecting their goslings from pesky onlookers.

Cattails blowing in the wind alight by the shimmering rippling pond.


Wings1295 said...

Love the pics. And you are quite the busy one, hope you don't get lost in the wind! :)

Tom said...

good wind pictures...wish i was up to half/marathon speed.. but i'm stuck down here at 5 & 6 milers...gots a ways to go...

The Silver Fox said...

Nice shot of the faraway kite in the deep blue sky. Several TT posts featured kites, appropriately enough.

By the way, I'm new to your blog, so what's "TNT" stand for?

Gabby said...

Wings-Thanks. I hope I don't get lost in the wind either! Thankfully I have my husband to keep me grounded. :)

Tom-You'll get to half/marathon speed in no time as long as you keep running. Are you training for a race?

Fox-Yes, kites are a great indicator of wind. Along with bubbles, windmills, and flags.

TNT stands for Team in Training, the world's largest endurance training program. TNT will train anyone for half/full marathons, triathlons, 100 mile century bike rides, and long hikes with top notch coaches and experienced mentors. In return for the great training the participants fund raise for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. There are links to TNT, the LLS, and my fund raising web page on the margins of my blog if you would like to read more info and/or donate.

I'll begin my Nike Women's Marathon training next month with TNT! There will be a ton of photos and blog posts coming soon.

Brian Miller said...

love the pic of the cat tails. coming home with ink all over your hands, fun. happy tt!

Reyjr said...

More power. It's great to read about people doing their bit to improve the lives of people around them.

They say happiness is contagious. :D

Ronda Laveen said...

Loved your "forgotten" post. Gabby. What a beautiful windy day and hope the wind blows you a little rest soon.