Thursday, April 9, 2009

Eggsactly My Kind of Afternoon

Baking and decorating and eating!

That's right, it's theme Thursday and today's theme is the incredible edible egg.

My friend Alison invited us over to her place to decorate and eat Easter egg cookies. Here are some of the nicer cookies I decorated.

Easter egg cookies!
My husband made the yellow frosted one for me.

This guy is not shaped like an egg but eggs are in the dough. I know, I'm stretching.I have to admit, this little guy looks a little creepy.

And the stretch continues with more baked goods. I baked these gluten free peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies the next day. There's egg in there...

...and in these scrumptious strawberry muffins.
Mmm, pulled right out of the oven.


Ronda Laveen said...

I like the egg cookie with the bunny scene on it. Very nice!

Candie said...

wow very nice made!
Makes me hungry though..ah I know I shouldn't eat those..
Have a nice day :)

Brian Miller said...

look into my red easter bunny eyes...look deeply...yeah a little scary. egg cookies look fun! happy TT and easter!

Tess Kincaid said...

Yummy! I'lll take one of each, please!

Wings1295 said...

Everything looks delicious! Now I am hungry. :)

FullQuieting said...

Awesome calories!

Some funny Easter stuff here:


Anonymous said...

Wow! And I thought I could stretch a dozen eggs! Drooling over the cookies; sorry!

Tom said...

now i am hungry...must eat cookies...

Mrsupole said...

Oh, I want a cookie now. No eggs, cookies, me want cookies. Oh they look so good. I am feeling like the cookie monster somehow. I am gonna go to all the TT's and cookies would totally give me the energy to do this. Just one week I am gonna do it. Oh me still want cookies.

God bless, and thank you for sharing those pictures.

California Girl said...

Yum yum yum!

Megan said...


Reyjr said...

Easter Egg Cookies.. lol! Can I have some please?

Kris McCracken said...

Donnie Darko rabbit biscuit!

Dakota Bear said...

Baking is an important part of happiness, especially when it is cookies coming freshly baked from the oven. I like the egg cookies.