Monday, April 26, 2010

Oh Boy!

I'm currently 26 weeks pregnant and am expecting a boy!!! My dream of being a mother is coming true. I will be taking a 3-D ultrasound in a few weeks and hope to post of photo of my son, how exciting is that?!

Since learning of my pregnancy I ceased running, but have been walking daily. I've been walking to my old high school where I've been student teaching, observing teachers, and tutoring. On top of that I attend night classes at SJSU to earn my teaching credentials. It may sound like a lot to take on while pregnant but it's not too bad with proper time management. I make time for sleep, eating, homework, reading, lesson planning, grading papers, cooking and cleaning and relaxing. In fact, I manage my time so well that I started a vegetable garden.

I've planted three different types of tomatoes, tomatillos, jalapenos, bell peppers, egg plants, cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots-all from seeds. Most are in pots but my sweet and loving husband prepared a large portion of our backyard for a vegetable garden. As soon as my seedlings are big and strong enough I'll be transplanting and taking photos. Mmm, I can't wait to taste my harvest this summer.

So, if I have plenty of time for all these activities why haven't I blogged? I blame Facebook. It's so easy to write a short blurb on anything everyday than to write a blog entry. Well, that's my excuse. I'll try to be do better.