Monday, October 12, 2009

Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon and Stuff

Ah, I'm so behind in my blogging because of classes and tutoring and marathon training! So, here's an update of it all.

  • Number of classes-4.
  • Number of units-14.
  • Days I tutor-2, from 8am to 2pm.
  • Number of papers written-14.
  • Number of demos for science class-1. Conductivity of solutions. How neat is that?!
  • Total mileage-255.8 miles!
  • Blisters-lost count after 20. :-(
  • Bloody ankles-2.
  • Races-2. SF Half and San Jose Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon.
  • Best quote heard on a race to racers in front of me-"Remember, this is your hobby not your job-smile!"
  • Ice baths-8. That's 80 minutes of sitting in ice water!
  • Days until Nike Women's Marathon-6! That's next Sunday, October 18th!
  • Total raised-$1,735! Thanks to all who've donated.

I completed the Rock 'n' Roll half in 2:11:33. Not my fastest time (2:04:07 in SF Half) but a great run regardless. Live music played around every mile keeps us all smiling, laughing, singing and clapping. Some tunes had a nice running cadence beat to them, too. The best part aside from running my my favorite running buddy Victoria, running into several TNT captains and Coach Tim, having a TNT cheering section, seeing my family support me in front of my brother's apartment along the race path, a great chorizo breakfast at my brother's apartment, the ice bath afterward the run, is the fact that I was not sore at all. I didn't hurt at all after the 20 miles the weekend before and the race. How awesome is that?!

Because of my awesomeness there is something I have developed, a nervous-stress-not enough sleep-eye twitch. Thankfully I'm going to have a short break from school after the race for a little R & R. My next stop, Yosemite! Now I just have to plan the trip. Any tips of where in Yosemite to hike or stay? Let me know. It's my first time visiting.

  1. Conductivity of solutions. Practicing at home
  2. Me in my bath tub immersed in icy water. Eight times people.
  3. Me and Victoria running at the San Jose Rock 'n' Roll half at mile 5. Photo taken by Jennifer Ibarra, TNT mentor and runner.